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Another hot day was predicted today and the train car I entered was like a refrigerator walk in box, not that I am complaining at all...but it wasn't the heat of the day yet, it was 8:15am! I am praying now that it will be this way when I catch my train home.
No such luck...I was on the train to hell!
Not only was every other car a "hot car", the conductor evidently just got his train license. I, of course, get in a hot car (being punished for even thinking it was too cold this morning) and about 45 seconds after departure the train comes to an abrupt stop.
Then, off we go again...then 30 seconds later another abrupt stop. Not only is this car I am in a hot car, but packed with commuters hovering over me and almost knocking into me and my hot coffee!
Did I mention that I was in a single seat? It was one near the door where the ticket collector used to be able to sit. I love this seat because it is roomy, but not this evening! Since it was so packed there were people standing all over the car itself and me. I had a nice view of the crotchial area of the gentleman standing in front of me, as well as his BO...It was a brutal day after all.
We are passing 125th street now and low and behold, the train abruptly stops 5 minutes after passing said station stop. It was a rough and tumble bumpy ride the whole rest of the way and I was, quite frankly, a bit nervous, but I continued to read (The Time Travelers Wife, brilliant, so far) to keep my mind off the ride to hell.
Now, could things get any worse?
Yeah, much... I am told at the station before mine that the 2 head cars will not open at my stop...Nice of them to give us some advance notice.
So I had to get up, put my book away, pick up my coffee and walk down 2 cars (I was in the head car, of course).
I then get a phone call from my oldest telling me that a french fry is burning in the oven and what should she do, as I am walking through a crowded train with hot coffee and now a cell phone to my ear...
First I told her to shut off the oven (duh), try to fish out the flaming fry with a glove on and tongs, if it was still burning, get a cup of water and throw it directly in the oven!
Geeze. Twenty somethings...
She tells me that it just put it self out and she took the fries out of the oven and she wasn't going near it again!
Emergency diverted.
Finally home and off to an almost burned down house!
Something to look forward to, since I have truly arrived in HELL!
My babies are growing up! Not sure when they will be ready to leave the (terrace) nest, but they were both stretching their wings before settling in to their very comfortable position below.
Aren't they just gorgeous!
Now that summer has finally arrived, rather the humidity of summer, it is refreshing to know that all public transportation has A/C.
Not on this particular night.
I was running a bit close tonight to catch the 5:59pm but I made it with minutes to spare (thank goodness).
It was actually cooler OUTSIDE!
The tunnel to the train almost knocked me over being as hot as it was in there. I thought I would suffocate!
I wasn't expecting the train to feel the same way, but it did. Dripping now, I get on the train looking for a seat.
The A/C in the car I chose was not working properly but there was some air breezing through. Not enough for me, after running to catch said train, only to drip dry in the car. The only saving grace was that no one sat next to me in a 5 seater except one brave fellow (probably because no one could even sit in this car because it was so hot).
I suffered home, finished my book (which was fabulous) and by Mt. Vernon station, the Air kicked on.
Right in time, I am off in 2 stops...
I guess this is why the fare hike? Fewer train cars, no A/C till the ride is almost over, fewer trains...
Thanks recession.
Something's got to give.
I was sitting on my terrace last week when a warm breeze wafted a pungent aroma my way. I looked at the trash basket and it looked clean enough, but I took it out anyway, thinking the dead smell must have been coming from that.
A few days after (clean trash basket) I still smelled something acrid.
Since quitting smoking almost 2 1/2 years ago,my senses have heightened 100 fold. It is a wonderful thing as well as a curse because I never knew that, for example, Grand Central Terminal smelled like a urinal.
I asked my husband if he sees anything while we were sitting outside chatting. He moved a few things around and saw nothing (it was 10 pm when I asked so I wasn't expecting anything).
The next day a went to water my terrace plants when I see a pigeon casually walking from under my table and then fly to my A/C.
Lots of pigeons hang out here.
The next morning I wake up to a squeaking sound. It sounds almost like my dear friends dog's squeaky ball toy that she often plays with.
I wanted to throw that ball out the window! I go outside and see if Micky (the dog) is playing with her ball on the window. I see Micky, but she has no toy in her mouth but she is avidly looking up at my terrace. I then move the trash basket, move the cooler, move the table cloth up so I can see under it and this is what I saw:
So now I know where the smell came from and when I thought that it smelled like something died on my terrace, I was mistaken, LIFE was on my terrace, and it sure does stink!
I gave Momma Pidge a plate of bread and water. Time for me to google what pigeons feed their young and get me some.
I am truly honored that for the 20 years I am living here, on 3 different occasions, birds have nested on my terrace, whether it be in my plants or directly on it.
I feel like mother nature.
I know I mentioned this in a previous post, that the "even" numbered cars have no bathrooms and are generally cleaner smelling than the "odd" numbered cars by far.
What I also noticed was that some train cars have gotten a "seat" upgrade.
New pleather!
Not that I didn't love the shiny pleather red and blue seats of yore, the new matte pleather seating is much more comfortable and less slide-off proof!
What a pleasure it is to get onto one of these trains.
Today was my lucky day!
As if the commute couldn't get any better, I got myself a one seater on a so-quiet-you-could-hear-a-pin-drop car as well. Perfect readers commute. Too bad it only lasted for 30 minutes.
Volunteering is nice and all, but it could turn into a part time job!
I am the secretary of the New Rochelle Art Association and there is a lot going on.
We have the 94th Annual Juried Art Show in September, the show in Chelsea (more info to follow when it is closer to the date) in November and other assorted duties that I am involved in.
I have, so far, created an email/phone list for all the members who are going to be involved in the Chelsea show, called the members who have no email, responded to various emails and am trying to launch my own photography business!
This is by far the busiest I have been all summer, hence the reason for so few blogs, I have just no time left!
Sometimes I miss the early train due to the bus. If my bus is early, then I can catch the 8:15am train, when it is a mere 3 minutes late, I have to wait for the 8:37am train.
This was the case today, so I took this opportunity to people watch. I sat with my book and spied my surroundings.
Man with coffee and the Times.
Woman with bottled water and People Magazine.
Woman and child in stroller amusing said child with a stuffed doll.
Pretty boring stuff.
I decided to start reading, when all of a sudden...
"The 8:37 train to Grand Central is running 5-10 minutes late due to an electrical issue, again, the 8:37 train to ..."
Why do I even bother to leave early?