Friday, October 31, 2008

Photo Phriday, The Halloween Edition!

Brook and I were extra busy this Halloween.


It is truly one of my favorite holidays!


I love dressing up and hearing what all my neighbors say about, not how crazy I am, but how much they look forward to seeing what I am doing this year.


This year we went out of the building and did a bit of Trick or Treating in the Beach Club district.
We had a fabulous time with Anna and Marc...AKA Hippy Chick and Super Mario.


We did a bunch of houses and the kids had a great time together!

We came home and started begging for more goodies at our dear friends the Michaels' and I got a great shot of Mickey, the Hot Dog Pumpkin along with a goof ball shot of me and Joe.



All in all, a smashing Halloween!

How was yours?

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