Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just when I thought it was almost over...

I saw a commercial for the switch to digital cable that was no longer taking place on Feburay 17th as promised. The new date is in June now!
I think they just want to distract us from the recession we are in.
More digital converter boxes are being made as we speak and the cable companies are just loving this!
If you have cable TV you are OK and will not notice the change at all, but if you still have an antenna on your roof, your TV will not work.
Tell me, who doesn't have cable?

Tv Pictures, Images and Photos

My MOTHER and FATHER have IO Digi cable
with DVR!
For goodness sakes.


Anonymous said...

It is just such a hoax. Please are getting scared and going out and buying these expensive new TV's.

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

I think that is why they are extending the date!