Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sea lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My

When am I not at the Bronx Zoo, I ask?
It was 67 lovely degrees out and was slightly overcast, the perfect Zoo day!

We saw:
Sea lions...


And Tigers...


And Bears, oh my...


It was an honor also to have the peacocks "showing off" more than usual today, I think they were turned on, or maybe thinking that Spring has finally sprung and were looking for a little action.
The amateur photographers of America were there and clicking away at these amazing birds in action, myself included. Just look at these feathers:


I took about 140 more photos but I haven't finished editing them yet. These were just the highlights for your viewing pleasure.

It was also pleasure having Anthony along today. He rarely has the time to come to the Zoo with us, so it was a lot of fun having him around to share in the awe and beauty of it all!



It was a great afternoon, with springtime weather and a membership card to the Zoo, who could ask for anything more?

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