Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today is a big day

For the three of you who follow my blog, today is opening day of Dermot Gale Award Show for Members - April 4 - 25, 2009

I have my 3 pieces ready that I previously blogged about and am super proud of them and am inviting all my fans to come on down to the NRPL to check out the show.

As well today, the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Parade at Davenport Park will be going on.

Both events are taking place at virtually the same time and haven't cloned myself as of yet, I will be relying on Anthony who will be taking Brook to Davenport in her beautiful bonnet (below):




and am hoping he takes plenty of pictures of the hunt if I cannot get there in time.

The Shows drop off time is from 10-11:30am and the Easter Egg hunt and Bonnet Parade starts at 10:30am.

I am going to get to the Library early (before 10am) to drop off my work and run off to the park. So wish me luck, I am sure to blog about the outcome!


Donna said...

i wanna hat like that!!

good luck!

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

I can send it to you if you really want it.