Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Train Tuesday


Oh what a beautiful Morning, Oh what a beautiful Day!
I drop off Brook at school (on time).
I get to the bus (on time).
Run for the early 8:37am train (just pulling up to the station 2 minutes late, but I am on time).
Procure an aisle seat, pull out my book and begin to read.
Smooth sailing (uh, railing).

On my way home however, not so smooth sailing (uh, railing).
Again, I run for the 5:59pm train. A track change later, I make it to a three seater aisle and off we go.
This particular train makes only 3 stops (kind of a waste if you ask me), Mt. Vernon, Pelham and New Rochelle. New Rochelle being the final stop then off to the yard for that train.
I pull out my book and continue reading (I am almost finished with it, so I was oblivious as to why the train was going so slow).
I noticed (finally) that we were going awfully slow around the Fordham Road area (not too far from Mt. Vernon). The conductor comes on and says, "Sorry for the delay folks, we have a signal light on red up ahead. Seems to be a bit congested."
Is this not a train? A scheduled train no less?
I relish the extra reading time and continue on. Farid dies, then Dustfinger dies, Farid comes back to life...oh wait, that's my book's story not mine.
The train resumes its course.
Mt. Vernon station...passengers exit.
Pelham Station...more passengers exit.
We wait.
We wait some more...
The conductor comes on again announcing that the train before us has broken down and we will be receiving those passengers from said broken down train here at Pelham and for the New Rochelle people to make room for them.
We are off on the next stop, of course we will make room for them! They will have the whole train to themselves considering that New Rochelle was to be the last stop.
The conductor come on once again and lets us all know that the next stop will be "Stamford"
so on and so forth (wherever that other train was heading that broke down before us)...
I look around and see the New Rochelle people start to panic and the conductor comes back with..."After New Rochelle, of course..."
Of course.
It better!
I call Anthony and tell him we are running late, and so was he!
I actually made it to the station before he did. I tell ya.
Tuesdays can be so unpredictable.
So much for a smooth sailing, (uh, railing)!

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