Nothing is worse than waiting out in the pouring rain for a bus to take you to the train (because it is cheaper than taking your car and parking it for $12 bucks!) except...having to sit next to a nervous foreigner shaking his legs while listening to his mp3 player's blasting music into his head and the surrounding other commuters heads whether they wanted to hear it or not.
There was no where else to sit, and to stand, dripping wet, I foreshadowed myself slipping and falling on my butt in that bus, and this just wasn't an option for me. I put up with it (the shiking, and loud music) and figured the easiest way to avoid that nervous leg shake was to move my dripping umbrella to the inside of the seat and he got wet and stopped to move out of the way. I was so glad to get off that damn bus today!
I missed the 8:45 express by one minute (rain delay undoubtely) and now had an extra 20 minutes to read (Still reading Inkheart and it is extremely intoxicating, but the only time I have to read lately is on Train Tuesday's) But reading in the rain is not good for a book.
It did however, stop raining and I found a dry seat sat down, pulled out the book and read.
Not so Annoying.
The 9:05 arrives on time and off we go to NYC. This is a local train and makes several stops before the final destination and there is a chance you take when taking a 3 seater window. Pro:The left side "step" is a good footrest and book rest (it is a heavy hardcover so the knee hight is a plus) and
Con: 1-2 poeple may be sitting next to you. Hoping that whoever does take that empty seat isn't coughing, sneezing, achey , or amoanie gronie persontalking on the cell that you dread...
Or the computer toting business man, reading his email and clicking away on the keyboard, while texting someone on his blackberry and has the bluetooth in the ear(just in case he didn't get the email). Mine was contestant # 2
Annoying Suit!
I escaped in my book and all else seemed to disappear...good book.
Not Annoyed.
The commute home was uneventful, got more reading* time in before I got off the train and went directly to a school function of Brook's with the whole Crew (the Crew being Anthony, Donna, myself and Brook).
It was a long day and a wet commute. Atleast it stopped raining on the way home, briefly.
The sky did open up again around 3 am. I am feeling like I am living in Seatle or England...jolly good.
*What will happen next week, on Train Tuesday? The fares will be going up, thats what!
We had a notice on the seat notifying us of the fare increase that goes into effect June 17th! Uh, tomorrow!
And not even an exact amount, a percentage! WTH? For more info go to Not only are the increasing the fares, but they are making us research for the exact amount of increase! I asked the lovely conductor, what if we bought a ticket before June 17th, would they honor it? Or would they charge an on board increase?
She had no answers, she saw the notice when we did and that she is referring everyone to the website.
I'm Turning My Tiny Greenhouse Into a She-Shed!
So, we rent a house in our charming Connecticut town. It's a very sweet
house, if a bit cozy.
"Cozy" is ALWAYS a euphemism for "this house is so damned sma...
5 years ago
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