Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15, 2009


Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince opens today.
Donna already saw it at midnight, so it was anticlimactic when I took her at 2 pm.

Here is my take on the movie:

If you didn't read the book, you may be a bit confused as to what is actually going on. Some parts were totally right on but others (like the very beginning) were totally made up and never actually happened in the book.
The parts with Dumbledore are far too few and left for the viewer to "figure out" what the heck is going on in crucial parts of the jumped so much that I even second guessed myself.
The Potter crew is all grown up and are finding themselves, so to speak. It is very touching and predictable ( remember, I read the books already), it is nice to see it on screen.
There was a bit of darkness, but not nearly enough darkness. The added scenes really didn't have anything to do with the plot of the story and were a waste of film if you ask me for example, when the Death Eaters visit the Weasley's. Maybe more focus on the "Half Blood Prince" and "memories", less on "snogging" would have made for a more cohesive story.
I did enjoy the movie for what it was though, the movie.
Read the book if you haven't already.

Just wanted to share!

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