Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happiest of Days

21 years ago today at 3:57 pm I gave birth to the most beautiful girl.


I will never forget that day, I did 3 loads of laundry and yelled for my mother once I started to really feel contractions, but I was so intent on finishing the wash that I waited till I was folded and the next load was in the dryer!

We arrive at the doctors office at 10am, sent over to the hospital at 10:30am (after my doctor asked what the hell I was doing here). I was in excruciating pain by 11 am (thanks My water broke at 2:30pm and it was abnormal so we had to do an emergency C-Section (we, meaning the good doctors, I was just there).
At 3:57 my angel baby was born and just beautiful. It was one of the happiest days of my life and it feels like only yesterday.

Look at her now, all growed up and legal.

My only advise is not to get drunk, but get all the free booze ya can...its your 21st birthday!
I love you more than words can say, and then some.
I love you to pieces and all together too!


Donna said...

Thank you Mommy <3

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy 21st Donna!

Suzie said...

Ooooops, forgot to put my name