Friday, January 2, 2009

I may be late, but...

New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

I know there are only but a few faithful readers but I mean it with all my heart.

Now onto the 2009 Resolution business.

I am hoping for the best this year and will try to push myself just that much harder to attain my goals/resolution this year, which are:

1-Win the battle of the know what this means, this means WAR. Enough of the battle, it is time to really focus on portion size, move more and drop the excess baggage once and for all.

2- To become debt free or at least, manageable. The only way to do this is to find a full time job or take my photography hobby to the next level and learn, learn, all I can about this fabulous craft, get a good camera and start shooting.
I feel very passionate about it and it is something I feel I can truly achieve.

3- To go on vacation for one week or more. Somewhere warm, somewhere nice. That is an easy one really. The hard part is trying to figure out where to go and what there is to do there. I would love to get to San Diego again. We'll see.

This may seem trivial to some, but I have 363 days left to achieve my 3 goals for 2009 and this time next year I will let you know if I have done it.

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