Friday, March 6, 2009

I hate painting, but love the results!

It is 9:16 pm and I am finished. Finished for the night and finished with my projects.

With Easter coming up in about a month, I am preparing the house for my favorite guests and the family too. I decided the dining room accent wall needed a lift and the kitchen was in desperate need of a paint job as well.

It was also a great excuse to get rid of a lot of "clutter chatchkies".
I had 3 boxes filled with kitchen items that had little to do with the kitchen at all! I collect and collect and they made their way into the kitchen somehow, and now they have all "disappeared", magically, down the chute!

I am debating though on what to do with my baskets. I used to have them on the wall, but I am tired of dust collecting in them and having to clean them all the time. I need two, at least, for bread when the company comes or if we are having spaghetti, but which two to keep? Just one more thing to store away.

I am finished I am done!

I love the results but is my back killing me!

I prepared a slide show of the progress and the finished results, kinda like American Idol only the results are before the commercial break!


Donna said...

i like the shelf

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

That's it?

Donna said...

well everything else as well...but i really like the shelf lol