Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Train Tuesday: A/C issues


Now that summer has finally arrived, rather the humidity of summer, it is refreshing to know that all public transportation has A/C.
Not on this particular night.
I was running a bit close tonight to catch the 5:59pm but I made it with minutes to spare (thank goodness).
It was actually cooler OUTSIDE!
The tunnel to the train almost knocked me over being as hot as it was in there. I thought I would suffocate!
I wasn't expecting the train to feel the same way, but it did. Dripping now, I get on the train looking for a seat.
The A/C in the car I chose was not working properly but there was some air breezing through. Not enough for me, after running to catch said train, only to drip dry in the car. The only saving grace was that no one sat next to me in a 5 seater except one brave fellow (probably because no one could even sit in this car because it was so hot).
I suffered home, finished my book (which was fabulous) and by Mt. Vernon station, the Air kicked on.
Right in time, I am off in 2 stops...
I guess this is why the fare hike? Fewer train cars, no A/C till the ride is almost over, fewer trains...
Thanks recession.
Something's got to give.

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