Saturday, May 2, 2009

Not your Typical Saturday

My usual Saturday consists of T-Ball then Soccer right after, today though, soccer was cancelled due to rain so we just had T-Ball.
Today also happened to be Team Picture Day.
Now, mind you, I could have taken all these myself and not fall for the hype and pay for them, but it is Brook's first year and the package I got was for the Team Shot, Magazine Cover and 2 Magnets (The package cost me $26.00, what a racket) It is her first time for goodness sakes, besides I want to compare them with mine.
I took my own pictures (of course) and want your opinion good reader.
Could I do this for a living or what?


The Single


The Sportsmen 2009

Aren't they cute?

Here are some candid shots of the players and my Brook...




This is the best, what faces!
This is what it really is...youth sports, what fun, and the best photo ops EVER!


Donna said...

i lkie!

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

Do they look professional?

Donna said...

they need a lil photoshop enhancing but other than that its fine