Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Train Tuesday


This was the first time, EVER, that I got on a rush hour morning train and a rush hour evening train and the cars I chose to sit in were so quiet you could hear a pin drop!
The only noise came from the conductor announcing where were were stopping next and the stops afterwords.

Both were packed, not a seat was empty and people were even standing.

I realized this when I was reading (Inkspell, by Cordelia Funke, fabulous book #2 of the Inkheart series of books, just fabulous) that it was ever so quiet and I felt as if I had joined in the pages of my book and I was in the Wayless Woods trying to save my parents with my written and spoken words...

This has NEVER happened, at least not on the same day.
I have been lucky to get on a morning train and it is quiet except for the rustling of newspapers and magazines, maybe the crumpling of a bagel wrapper or paper bag.
But the evenings ride was chaos, what child wasn't screaming or what meeting had to be rescheduled, or the loud ass bimbo on her cell phone making sure the entire car of people heard what an idiot her boyfriend was and that she was not missing "Idol" again because of him.
I was quite fortunate this week!

1 comment:

Donna said...

its so much more fun when its not quiet!!!
people watching is amusing...