Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Train Tuesday


There are pros and cons to commuting
Pros: Cons:
P:Someone else is driving C: You are not driving
P:You can sleep, eat, read, drink C: If you sleep, you might miss your stop
P:The down time is nice C: Scheduling sucks
P:Don't have to drive in bad weather C:Have to walk and carry more items
in bad weather

Any way you slice it, it has its good and bad attributes.
This week was yucky, not for the riding but the weather.
It was a wet, rainy, misty day and it made for a miserable commute.

First, waiting for the bus, always a pleasure...NOT.
I drop off Brook at school, park my car to catch the bus, what, back the train up, you have a car yet take the bus to the train? The reason for this is sheer mathematics, it costs $8.00 less to take the bus to the train than for me to take my car and park it in a lot for 10 hours.

It is misting out, really need the umbrella for the frizz factor, but for nothing else.
I have a "regular" bus rider tell me to "put down my umbrella, its not raining", uh, who are you and why are you talking to me? Do I need to explain the frizz factor to you?

I get to the station with 4 minutes to spare, that is truly a lifetime when waiting for a train in the rain. Bought my ticket and was all ready to rock and roll. Of course, its late.
My hair is frizzing by the second now and looking like I didn't even blow dry it at all.
Oh well, its raining. Everyone looks like a drowned rat.
Train finally pulls in and we are on our way.
Smooth sailing, rather, smooth railing, and out we all go, like cattle heading out to pasture for a day then back into the big rolling cars that take us to designated stops at designated times.
I am done with another fun day at work and when I say FUN I mean FUN. I work with my cousin so it really is fun. and off I run for the 5:59pm, which I miss by 3 minutes...3.
I make my way (out of breath) to the 6:18pm train which is on the upper level, and little ol me just ran to the lower level and now needs to make her way right back up there again!
I get on the train and find an available 1 seater (score) because I know this train is gonna get packed and was I right!
This train was standing room only! (score again, nee nee neener neener) ya snooze, ya loose.
Happily I read while railing home and had happy thoughts of another smooth trip.

It was only drippy rainy by this time of night when I departed the train, rather, derailed, walked up to find my darling husband and beautiful little girl waiting for me along with 20 cabs vieing for just the right spot to pick up the weary commuter and that was that.

Not too eventful

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