Saturday, October 4, 2008

Who invented the Flea Market/Tag Sale?

Whoever invented the Flea Market was a genius!
Thank you Mr.Flea or Mrs. Tag.

The skies were sketchy, but the determined flea market vendors persevered!

I got to the school early (Mrs. OCD forever) to set up my table for the 10 am opening. I was the first vendor to arrive, as usual. No problem, I needed help unloading the car and Hubbie had to go to work for 9 am, since I needed his muscle beforehand I couldn't argue being a bit early.

He left me with a mound of clothing, jewelry, comics, dvd's, videos and a whole mess of chatskies that every household needs, more than I do, to arrainge perfectly on my 6 foot table. I was so happy to see a few more vendors trickling in at this point making me feel better now that there was more movement.

It wasn't even 9:30 am when the first few rain drops filtered through the clouds up above and dripped on my beautifully set table. Did I worry? Hell yeah! I just finished putting all this stuff out and its gonna rain on me? I think not!
Positive thoughts...
Positive thoughts...
More drops...
It stopped.
Whew, ut oh, more drops...what? NOOOOOOOOO
I had the kids singing "Rain Rain go away, come again another day", they were so helpful.
Positive thoughts...
Positive thoughts...
More drizzles...
Fewer drizzles...
Break in the clouds...
More patrons coming in.
Positive thoughts...
Doing a "sun dance"...
Hurray! The sun is out, its warmer and the people are coming from everywhere!

At this point it is 11:30 am and at any moment, Hubbie will be back to pick up Brookie for socccer.

During all this singing and dancing and raining and not raining, Brook was playing in the playground, having a ball, oblivious to the drops falling from the sky, laughing, screaming and just having a great time. Thank goodness for she was a pleasure.

12 noon, I am starved and of desperate need of more coffee, and who comes to my rescue? Hubbie of course! Just in time too or else I would have passed out or Brook would have been late for soccer (whichever came first).

I traded Brook for an extra large with 3 splenda and half and half and a whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese, even trade I would say.

Off they went.

More people are coming and its looking bright, warm and prosperous.

Hubbie and Brookie went home for lunch after soccer and revisited me around 3:30 pm, just in time to relieve me (literally, I had to pee so bad after all that coffee). I was gone for 5 minutes and he sold $7.00 worth of goods, WTG!

At this time I find out that it was picture day at soccer (I knew this) and that since "Daddy" was a coach today he was in the team photo.
I miss soccer one time, ever, and this is the thanks I get?
I had mixed feelings about this because now that he is in the photo, am I obligated to get a copy or just blow it off?
The one time he goes, it is memorialized forever! WTH! But I digress.

4 pm, time to pack it up. There was so much less than when I started and I was thrilled. I did an official count and I procured $180.00! Less the $20.00 for the table, $20.00 for my mom (I sold 2 rings of hers) and the $23.00 I started with for a grand total of $117.00! Not to bad.

Hubbie helped pack the car back up and I put what didn't sell back at mom and pop storage for the next garage sale/tag sale/flea market.

We just finished pizza and mozzarella sticks...yum.
Always a plus when one makes a few extra bucks and doesn't have to cook!
Double score!

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