Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Moon and Eclipse, My reviews are in...

I know, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but you need to keep looking.
I needed to continue after "Twilight".

"Twilight" ended with a cliffhanger and I thought for sure I knew what was coming next, but was I wrong!


My Edward was hardly in the book at all and I got even more frustrated with Ms. Meyers renditions of what and how werewolves came about.

The story opens with Bella celebrating her birthday with the Cullens, a family of vampires. While Bella longs to be one, Edward refuses to change her as he believes it would rob her of her soul.
Isn't that the point?
How else can they be together, forever?
So what does he do? Leave! Typical man, vampire or not.
Bella is destroyed. She sinks into a deep depression and is only able to rise from it with the help of of Jacob Black, whom Bella terms a good friend.
Jacob on the other hand is falling in love with her (ut oh).

I was skipping a few pages here and there because, quite frankly, I was tired of Bella's whining about Edward leaving her.

Can Bella pick um or what?

Just when you think Bella is back to normal, she decides to be a bit reckless because she misses Edward and the only way to feel close to him is to take risks to hear his beautiful voice of reason (at least that is what she thinks she is hearing) , so she jumps off a cliff (diving of course and alone, to impatient to wait for her darling of a dog, Jacob).

But the book takes a sharp turn when Edward reappears toward the latter quarter of the book. The ending suspense plot seemed rushed and tacked on. It was really as if there were two books, or two stories, included in New Moon and neither of them were quite finished.

For all my disappointment, New Moon zips by and leaves me wanting more.


So I had to read "Eclipse".

Again, I didn't hate it, but alas was a bit disappointed again. Why am I doing this to myself? I started something and gosh darn it, I am finishing it!

The series that is.

Eclipse carries on not long after New Moon left off. Bella’s high school graduation is approaching and she will soon be leaving Forks forever, supposedly to go to college - but in reality she is planning to join her boyfriend in his vampire existence and will therefore be unable to return home, due to being dead and possessed by a terrible blood lust for the first few years.

We make it through graduation but then dangerous vampires from Seattle come to Forks and dealing with them dominates the rest of the story.

This is only one part of the story though. Eclipse is primarily a romantic saga, so Bella and Edward’s relationship is the primary focus of the novel. Or as I should say Bella, Edward and Jacob’s relationship - because there is a love triangle in the plot of this book.

Jacob is in love with Bella, who is in love with Edward so this is going to make things awkward between them.

Can you say Soap Opera?

The book didn’t feel like it was over 600 pages long, I literally flew through the pages and before I knew it, I was starting ...


"Breaking Dawn" the fourth installment of the series.

I am still reading this and am not too happy with how slow going the book is.
I mean, those crazy kids (Jacob and Bella admitting their love for each other, but Edward is HER true love). I am kind of feeling bad for Puppy Jacob. He seems to be getting the short end of the stick here and even after she marries Edward, Jacob is still an intricate part of her life/death...I am only in the 200's and this is as far as I can comment so far!

Enjoy the reading if you do decide to pick up the books.

They are not a Must Read but if you are feeling like some teen angst, love, and "monsters" this is the series for you!

More to come when I finish the book and series!

Keep an eye out for my new blog installments...Donna's List, a new blog I will be writing about what Donna recommends for me to read next.


Donna said...

i never told you to read twilight...i actually told you not to...awful books them, just awful...

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

I know you didn't, but I was compelled to read them!
The next blog segments on books are going to be called "Donna's List", you know like Oprah's book club only better!
Love you!

Donna said...

last i checked you have an awful long list left from me....