Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Very First "Blogger" Post

Hello all you cats and kittens, if you are here for hot steamy sexual related topics...

This is not the place.

X-Stina's X-Ploits are about a married housewife, with children, her friends and family (who I don't need "permission" to use their names or likenesses in any funny story or X-Ploits we get into...yet).

I am a fun loving person who loves to share my X-Ploits with my photography.

I am an aspiring nature photographer and just love to take pictures of everything just so I can play with them using Photoshop. If anyone has a copy of the new Photoshop CS3 that they would like to
"share" that would be really great!

On to the blog.

I was surprised today with a call from my brother ( responding to a "news feed" of mine when I asked him what to name my blog if I decided to start using "Facebook Blogger". I have a blog at MySpace and he wants to be able to read my blog, but also wants to delete MySpace all together. If he does that, he cannot comment on my blog...(aww poor thing, that's what E-Mail is He says, "Come back to Facebook, it is so much cleaner and better than MySpace, MySpace is dead, this is the place to be (and) then I can delete Myspace and read your blog here. I came up with a name..."X-Tina's X-Ploits" isnt that cool! You will get so many hits from people thinking its a sex site!" I just laughed and loved the idea and had to get this going here.

So, minutes later, I digress and fall for the "Blogger" scenario, and here we are.

I did change the name a bit to X-Stina's X-Ploits (my dad calls me Stina and so do a few of my special friends) and I never really was called "Tina", so X-Stina it became.
My brother and I chatted for a little bit more and he had to run (he is working).

About 10 minutes later he calls me back and says, "Your birthay, 7pm we are going to see "Wicked"!"

I screamed...
I screamed some more...
OMG, Donna is going to be so mad at us...too bad, it's my birthday!
So on Tuesday, September 23rd, on that, my 42nd Birthday, I will be seeing "Wicked" with my very best Brother.


No, not him...

vin and me

Here he is!

Thanks Vin!!! I am so excited!

The surprises just keep on coming!


Anonymous said...

I love it so much!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm actually not mad...i didnt like the book all that much and i only like some of the but see...i told u that this was easy...btw...whats with the johnny depp pic?? that was random

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

@ Vin

I do too!

@ Donna
I was making a funny when I inserted Cap'n Jack. I guess it didn't read like I thought it would...
Glad you aren't mad. xoxo

Donna said...

hahaha it wasnt that funny lol

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you are going to see the same show that I went to see last night for MY 42nd b-day. That is freaky. :)
Great Show! I'll be thinking of you..............
p.s. I'm thinking this is better than My Space if I don't have to sign up for anything.

Brandy w/a Y said...

The Johnny Depp pic WAS funny I guess you need to be of a certain age and know Vinnie like we do!! :) Happy Blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm, definitely easier to read. .. nice change from the myspaces bs. good luck in the blog world!!!

Jennifer Prescott said...

I agree with Vinny--MySpace is poo! This is much better. Every time I tried to access your MySpace page my machine froze and burst into flames.