Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have nothing to write about...

The final "search for a topic for my blog" submitted by the one and only:

Vinnie Costa
"Mayhaps you should write about the fact you have nothing to write about..."

I actually have too much to write about that it actually adds up to nothing.

I like to keep it interesting here to keep my faithful few coming back for more and checking out what I have to say, but I need to organize it all so I actually make something out of nothing, make sense?
Maybe, maybe not.
In my head it sounds GREAT, on what I like to call "internet paper", not so much.
We'll see.

This is supposed to be about nothing and it is really tuning out to be something, so I better stop here so it continues to be about nothing.

Whew, writing about nothing is truly harder than writing about something.

Thanks Vin! And thank you to all who read my blogs, it is you who make it what it is, also a special thanks to my FB family for giving me the fun run of ideas that made this weeks blog very fun and memorable!

Is it almost May?

I kept wondering when the sun will come out and warm us up, it is finally here and it has been for the past few days, when I realized that in just a few short days it will be MAY!
This year has totally gone by too quickly.
I realized that Mother's Day is impending, Donna will be coming home in 3 weeks, (Memorial Day Weekend) and the next Juring of new Members for the Art Association is June 6th.
I have a newsletter to get out, minutes to type, a webinar to go to at 4 pm today and get my house cleaned for Italian company tomorrow night.
There is only 1 month and 3 weeks left of Kindergarten as well as Summer!
I have no time people! If only there was a way to be Hiro (from Heroes, NBC Monday nights at 9pm, Season Finale was this Monday past) for just a few days. To be able to stop time so I can clean and still pick up Brook on time at school and get all my typing done.
Maybe even have time to edit all my photos for a RE Portfolio I am working up (I haven't even had a chance to upload those, and Sarah if you are reading this, Thanks again for letting me use your house...I do need an outdoor shot on a nice day though!).
That is another project I am working on. Photograhing houses and apartments for RE agents to use for their virtual tours and such. I am hoping to be ready by the end of the month to bring my CD's to a few local RE offices and freelance myself out for extra $ and experience. I plan to charge $50.00 and hour for as many photos of the house (inside and out) they want and need, and burn them all on a CD for the Agent to use as they see fit. It usually takes and hour to do an entire house or apartment and the uploading, CD and my time. Would be nice to get 2 or 3 a day. If you know anyone or are intereseted, by all means, contact me!
So as you see my dear, few readers...I have a lot going on here, with much more to come!
Just thought I would share.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Train Tuesdays....Did somebody smell smoke?


Every week my husband asks me the same question, "What time do you think you'll be in?"
"The same as every Tuesday night...6:30pm."

This is the day I commute into the city for work. I enjoy the commute itself, but taking a bus to the train in the AM and having my husband pick me up at the train station after work can be daunting yet very scheduled.

He just asks because he has to make sure I am not doing something afterwords and he has to come pick me up at a different time. Not for nothing, but I would have told him if I were to be late, duh.
Anywhoos, he asked if I could get off at the Pelham Station this particular evening because it would be better for him.
Not a problem, except now, I will be in at 6:25PM (you don't keep me waiting dude, I am pooped...)
"Call me if anything changes."
"Nothing will change," I say, "6:25PM", be there or be square.

After a grueling day at work, I go down into the depths of Grand Central Terminal via Northwest Passage from 47th and Madison, along with hundreds of other rushing commuters at that hour.
I was actually early, got a one seater (yeah, I don't like people I don't know too much sitting next to me and my precious self), pull out my daughters copy of Inkspell (that I am halfway through), and started to read.
The buzzer rings, last call.
The doors close.
Ahhh, nice.
We get approximately to what may be the equivalent of 57th Street and the train stops.
"Sorry folks, we are having some door issues and we need to back the train up to the platform."
Huh? Wait a minute, back the train up...

We got back to the platform and were instructed to exit the train and go onto track 17 and we would leave from there.
I put my book away and prayed for another one seater!
Controlled chaos ensued.
It was an actually easy transition to make and we were off at 6:15PM.
I told the man to pick me up at what time?
I couldn't even call him to let him know that the train was going to be delayed till 6:25PM, the exact time I told him to come and get me, because I was where?
In the depths! No cell service.
Okay, he is gonna KILL me!
I was a bit rude in answering him about the time I would be home, but in the end I had a good excuse.
When we boarded the new train we were told by the same conductor (he had to switch trains too, evidently) that there was an electrical problem with the front car doors that it actually started smoking and that for safety reasons we had to switch trains.
"Sorry for the delay"
Never a dull Tuesday! Chinese for dinner?



What is there to say about it.

The definition:

Middle English, from Latin sexus
14th century
1: either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures

: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females

: sexually motivated phenomena or behavior
: sexual intercourse

: genitalia

What 's left?

Oh, I do enjoy it every so often, lets face it, I am only human.

Thanks Anna for your topic.
Tune in tomorrow for the final topic suggestion from:

Vinnie Costa
Mayhaps you should write about the fact you have nothing to write about...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway? And other funny one liners from A-Z.

Perfect for a Monday morning, today's topic, submitted by:

Michael Kelly Michael K
"Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway?

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Always try to be modest and be proud of it!

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
Beer: It's not just for breakfast anymore.

C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.
Chocolate: the OTHER major food group.

Did anyone see my lost carrier?
Diplomacy is the art of saying good doggie while looking for a bigger stick.

Energizer Bunny arrested and charged with battery.
Error, no keyboard. Press F1 to continue.

For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.
Forget world peace. Visualize using your turn signal.

Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is moving.
Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told.

How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
How does Teflon stick to the pan?

I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.

Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.
Join the Army, meet interesting people, and kill them.

Keep honking. I'm reloading.

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.

Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.
Never mess up an apology with an excuse.

Okay, who put a stop payment on my reality check?
On the other hand, you have different fingers.

Plan to be spontaneous, tomorrow.
Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.

Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.
Quickly, I must hurry, for there go my people and I am their leader.

Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.
Remember half the people you know are below average.

Save the whales. Collect the whole set
Save your breath. You'll need it to blow up your date!

There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.
There's too much blood in my caffeine system.

Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes.

Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

X-Stina is wondering who cashed her reality check?

Your gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Your kid may be an honors student, but you're still an idiot.

Zoo's are a wonderful place to reconnect with the family.

Thanks to Michael for that fun topic!

Look for tomorrow's topic...thanks to Anna


Sunday, April 26, 2009

I may have made my first sale!

The Dermot Gale Award Show for Members has come to a close and my work was wrapped up and put in my trunk.
I asked Anthony to bring it up with him when he came back from the store.
I couldn't even carry them up with the packages I had earlier from the store myself, so I left them in the trunk.
Little did I know, when I finally unpacked them at 6:30 pm that this one had a note attached to it...

The note read, "So and So was interested in purchasing 'Crock' #17 and here is her phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx."



I called her at 7pm, but haven't heard back from her yet. I am really excited!

Even if she doesn't call me back, I actually have a backup buyer interested in this same picture!

Great day either way!

I am an ARTIST!
I was always an artist, but now I am recognized!

Teenagers, Topic from Midge

As you may already be aware of, I had asked my FB (Facebook) friends and family to please give me blog topics because I was in a writing mood.
This particular one is for Midge, one of my oldest friends who knows all about the "teenage" thing once having Two, now down to One but prepping for Three others. If you can do the math, the woman has 5 children! God bless her!
So to Midge....


Teenagers are a gift.
We were all teenagers, weren't we? Unless we are teenagers now that is.

They go through so many growing pains, acne, boyfriends/girlfriends, fat, thin, smart, dumb, to smoking & drinking, druggies, nerds.
They cannot wait to drive, or some never want to learn and have mummy chauffeur them around.
I cannot relate to the latter, only because I was the one who could not
WAIT to drive!
Dad started teaching me at 14 and if I could, would have been chauffeuring them around!

Teenagers are rebellious, at least that's what my mother told me.
My first experience with one, my oldest, who is now 20 and no longer a teenager mind you, was cake.
My 6 year old on the other hand has 7 more years to go still, that will be a blog to read about.
Maybe it was because we had such a close relationship and we were just there for each other.
I strive to be a good mother but a friendly one. I consider my daughter my friend and have been dubbed the "cool mom" more than once, I thank you. So whatever it was that I did right, worked.
I loved my teenager, I loved my Tweenager, I loved my child, I loved my baby.
Maybe that's what it was more than anything. Love.

Respect helps too.
If you respect your teen, try to listen to what is going on with them, support them, get involved with their friends, then you will have a better understanding of said teen.
Friend involvement is key. Not only do you see what kind of friends your teenager keeps, but what kind of parents they have, what their interests are, how they act around adults and other peers and if you are lucky to have great fun with all them at the weekly or monthly sleep overs or get togethers at your house!
That's what I remember about raising a teenager. Being a teenager, well, that is a totally different story!
I block it out!

There you have it in a nut shell!

Tomorrow's topic from:
Michael Kelly
"Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The 70's

I was in a writing mood but was lacking subjects so I requested my FB family to send me ideas for my blog, here is idea # 2.

Thanks to:

Ellen Spafford
Ellen S

For her topic idea.

The 70's for me was my early childhood, a time when there was no computer or cable TV or cell phones...a whole lot of no this's and that's to tell you the truth.

70's kids rode bikes with no helmets (and didn't die).
70's kids paid .93 cents for a hamburger, fries and a small soda at McDonalds, not Micky Dees, Mc Donalds, thank you.
70's kids played outside in the "hood" with their "buddies" and said stuff like "Oh snap" and "Psyche"
We watched Laugh In, Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons and often used the term "Good night John Boy" to any or all of the family members we said Goodnight to!
We saw Star Wars (Episode IV and wondered where I II and III were lost to), but loved it and walked around with our light sabres and quoted Obi Wan famous last words, "Use the Force Luke".
CB radios were the 70's iPods and every household was Ten four'ing ALL their good buddies.
I remember it being a simpler time, at least for me.

Even our toys were no frills.

pet rock Pictures, Images and Photos

Pet Rocks
were a fad that didn't last long, but hit hard! My mom wouldn't spring for one of these things, so I went behind the house and found my own pet and adopted it!

Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos

In the October 1976 issue of
Teen Beat Magazine shows you exactly how to cut and set your hair just like Farrah Fawcett's! I do not know one girl who didn't want that cut, except for the short hair girls who wanted the Dorothy Hamill bowl cut!

Dorothy Hamill Pictures, Images and Photos

I was 4 when the 70's revolution started and was 14 when they ended. Through my child eyes, thats what stood out.

Tune in tomorrow to read Topic # 3 submitted by:

Friday, April 24, 2009

This is why I love FB

I cannot tell you how I have reconnected with so many old friends, mind you, not the "blue haired"* type old just High School chums and College buddies that I just couldn't be without back then meanwhile, life went on and we drifted apart, and then the internet boomed and on to Facebook we flocked and found anew.
I felt like writing tonight and needed some topic ideas and thanks to these few, I got some:

Katie Kantor
Katie K at 9:45pm April 24
peanut butter

Ellen Spafford
Ellen S at 9:51pm April 24
the 70s
Lillian Haas DiRusso
Lillian Haas DiRusso at 9:52pm April 24

Michael Kelly
Michael K at 10:16pm April 24
Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway.

Anna Battaglia Piliero
Anna B P at 11:04pm April 24

a response!
Here goes, hope you enjoy it all:

peanut butter and jelly Pictures, Images and Photos

Peanut butter
An ode to Peanut Butter
By Cristina Cerone

I think I love creamy the best
It certainly is better than all the rest

Jiff over Skippy? I think not
Unless its on sale, well then not a lot

I just do not know where we would be
Without the sticky stuff for me

If you please,
Will it be ham and cheese?

No, lunchtime just would not be complete
Without my Peanut Butter treat!
Katie Kantor Thanks Katie!

Tomorrows topic-

The 70s

* Special Thanks go out to Anthony J. Parisi for coining the phrase "Blue Haired" and me stealing it.

Photo Phriday: Bird edition


Coming in for a landing...
What did you see?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Train Tuesday's


My weekly train ride into the isle of "Man" has just been added to my blog fodder
(raw material: fodder for a comedian's routine) for my faithful few who read this.

I do travel on the Metro North Railroad every Tuesday to NYC and have seen and heard quite a few things to make my blog a bit more entertaining to read.
So the first installment of "Train Tuesday's" begins now:

I was on my way to work with Brook in tow. There was no school and I don't like to burden my dad with Brook ALL day when it really isn't necessary. She likes coming into the city with me and she makes for great company. I can guarantee a 2 seater just for us and we can sit anyway we want to without worrying about bumping into each other or listening to an unwanted cell phone conversation right next to us.
I am getting the iPod plugged in with her favorite playlist when the conductor comes over to us. I hand him my ticket and he stands there waiting for hers. Mind you, I have yet to pay a fare for her on the train and wasn't really expecting to do so today, until... He asks me where her ticket is and I politely lie to him and tell him she is 5 (what a good mommy). He says that there is a fare for her at 5 years old. I was surprised and thought the age was 6 and up (not really any better there). I just thought I could get away with not paying for her for at least another year or so, I wasn't worried, it only costs .75 cents, so I thought. Little did I know that a child "family fare" in the morning commuter hours up until 10 am is $3.75 at the ticket window and $9.00 aboard the train. "$9.00?! for a 5 year old?" I say.
"Yes, I don't make the fares up, you never paid for her before?" he says.
"No, I was never asked for a ticket and the conductors usually gave her a smily faced seat marker for riding the good ol' Metro North" I reply.
"Well, that will be $9.00. Just think about it this way, this will be for all the times you saved by not paying for her." he says
"Gee, thanks." I say back as I am digging through my wallet as moths fly about and I manage to find a $10.00 bill that I had stashed for just this emergency.
That fare left me with $3.25 for the day, $2.50 for my coffee and .75 cents for her return ticket.
You don't have threaten me with another onboard fare again, thank you very much!
Lesson learned, be nicer to your conductor and don't lie about your kids age and fork up the do re mi.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Overheard in the lunchroom

Dropping off Brook late this morning, albeit by 2 minutes, compelled another late child to yell at us: "you better run to your class or they will lock us up in the lunchroom till lunch!"

Kids.jail Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, April 13, 2009

It is official, I am the Secretary

The first meeting of the New Rochelle Art Association was tonight and I was there, ready, with pen and paper. I am hoping that I made a good first impression and got busy taking notes and reading the minutes from the last meeting of October 2008. The ballot was read and it was official. I am the new secretary for the Art Association. I also found out that my daughter Donna has been accepted for an internship this summer! Hopefully starting in June! Sweet.
We then discussed current events and what was happening now and for future shows. The one I cannot wait for is in Chelsea, NYC! November 3-14th. I will be there and will keep you posted on that one.
The room was packed with members and I noticed that I may have been the youngest member there, kinda felt humbling in a way. Young, new to the Association and back in the art world from being away from it for so long. I wonder if I truly belong? I hope so, because it makes me so happy to have people see my photos and admire them as much as I do.
I met the "crew" and I found that everyone was nice and for artists, more businesslike than anything...until after the meeting.
I chatted with a member of 45 years and she was like a breath of fresh air.
Alive, brilliant and so talented. She even took 3rd place in the current show at the NRPL
(Dermot Gale Award Show for Members - April 4 - 25, 2009).
Make sure if you are in the area to check it out! It is a great show and there really are so many talented artists right here in New Rochelle!
The meeting actually lasted a little over an hour and I am afraid I didn't get to chat with the former secretary at all. Thank goodness for e-mail!
Here's to the new venture!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Photo Phriday


One of my boys, Munchkin.
What did you see?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How many times can you say Cerone?


Seeing my name in print with my two daughters (the youngest pictured above) was just fabulous. I feel like a star today.
What a great way to start Palm Sunday? We should have gone to Church, (however, I unfortunately slept through that part of the day, bad Catholic). We knew we were going to be in the paper from yesterdays fun filled morning at Davenport Park Easter Egg hunt and Bonnet Parade, so it was really no surprise, but it sure felt great!
Brook was the real big winner though.


She won an award for her bonnet,


she found the "golden egg" and...


had a fun filled afternoon at the NRPL BID New Rochelle Family Fun Saturdays...filled with crafts, cakes and lemonade!


While in awe at her moms photos on display till 4/25 in the NRPL Gallery!


It is truly a blessed day!
Happy Palm Sunday!

Palm Sunday quickie Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today is a big day

For the three of you who follow my blog, today is opening day of Dermot Gale Award Show for Members - April 4 - 25, 2009

I have my 3 pieces ready that I previously blogged about and am super proud of them and am inviting all my fans to come on down to the NRPL to check out the show.

As well today, the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Parade at Davenport Park will be going on.

Both events are taking place at virtually the same time and haven't cloned myself as of yet, I will be relying on Anthony who will be taking Brook to Davenport in her beautiful bonnet (below):




and am hoping he takes plenty of pictures of the hunt if I cannot get there in time.

The Shows drop off time is from 10-11:30am and the Easter Egg hunt and Bonnet Parade starts at 10:30am.

I am going to get to the Library early (before 10am) to drop off my work and run off to the park. So wish me luck, I am sure to blog about the outcome!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Photo Phriday: Silly Pop


What did you see?

Savant Spot: Beowulf


So much better than the movie, Beowulf can only be described in one word...Epic.
I truly enjoyed reading this classic.
Thanks Donna!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Overheard in the Lunchroom

Drop off for Kindergarten is in the school's Lunchroom and one of the monitors, "Ms. V" was chatting with the children and asked, "Did anyone here file their taxes yet?" The children wide eyed & stunned, look at each other and one brave soul answers, "Um, not yet, but I am sure we will soon!"
Kindergartners are priceless!

Aladdin - forgot the taxes Pictures, Images and Photos