Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have nothing to write about...

The final "search for a topic for my blog" submitted by the one and only:

Vinnie Costa
"Mayhaps you should write about the fact you have nothing to write about..."

I actually have too much to write about that it actually adds up to nothing.

I like to keep it interesting here to keep my faithful few coming back for more and checking out what I have to say, but I need to organize it all so I actually make something out of nothing, make sense?
Maybe, maybe not.
In my head it sounds GREAT, on what I like to call "internet paper", not so much.
We'll see.

This is supposed to be about nothing and it is really tuning out to be something, so I better stop here so it continues to be about nothing.

Whew, writing about nothing is truly harder than writing about something.

Thanks Vin! And thank you to all who read my blogs, it is you who make it what it is, also a special thanks to my FB family for giving me the fun run of ideas that made this weeks blog very fun and memorable!

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