Sunday, April 26, 2009

Teenagers, Topic from Midge

As you may already be aware of, I had asked my FB (Facebook) friends and family to please give me blog topics because I was in a writing mood.
This particular one is for Midge, one of my oldest friends who knows all about the "teenage" thing once having Two, now down to One but prepping for Three others. If you can do the math, the woman has 5 children! God bless her!
So to Midge....


Teenagers are a gift.
We were all teenagers, weren't we? Unless we are teenagers now that is.

They go through so many growing pains, acne, boyfriends/girlfriends, fat, thin, smart, dumb, to smoking & drinking, druggies, nerds.
They cannot wait to drive, or some never want to learn and have mummy chauffeur them around.
I cannot relate to the latter, only because I was the one who could not
WAIT to drive!
Dad started teaching me at 14 and if I could, would have been chauffeuring them around!

Teenagers are rebellious, at least that's what my mother told me.
My first experience with one, my oldest, who is now 20 and no longer a teenager mind you, was cake.
My 6 year old on the other hand has 7 more years to go still, that will be a blog to read about.
Maybe it was because we had such a close relationship and we were just there for each other.
I strive to be a good mother but a friendly one. I consider my daughter my friend and have been dubbed the "cool mom" more than once, I thank you. So whatever it was that I did right, worked.
I loved my teenager, I loved my Tweenager, I loved my child, I loved my baby.
Maybe that's what it was more than anything. Love.

Respect helps too.
If you respect your teen, try to listen to what is going on with them, support them, get involved with their friends, then you will have a better understanding of said teen.
Friend involvement is key. Not only do you see what kind of friends your teenager keeps, but what kind of parents they have, what their interests are, how they act around adults and other peers and if you are lucky to have great fun with all them at the weekly or monthly sleep overs or get togethers at your house!
That's what I remember about raising a teenager. Being a teenager, well, that is a totally different story!
I block it out!

There you have it in a nut shell!

Tomorrow's topic from:
Michael Kelly
"Why you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway."


Anonymous said...

Donna was an excellent child- yo couldn't have asked for better, but then again, with a mom like you she was bound to turn out great!
I, however, wanted to hear your tales of growing up as a teenager. Now those would make for great stories.
Come now- don't be shy.

X-Stina's X-Ploits said...

I don't know about that now Ree...Donna DOES read my blog and I don't want her getting any